A Bed of Roses


A Bed of Roses

A bed of roses is what I lay in,
Crawling with deceit, decay, and sin.
My world is perfect, hidden from all eyes.
Inside, only I see where the shadows reside.
Wonderful thoughts flow inside my brain,
Aah!  Such exquisite pain!
Happiness, joy, and contentment are my friends,
In my pretend world of memories, where the past is my beginning, middle, and end.
In this place I reside with false smiling faces;
They don't realize that it's a charade where we all have our places.
Don't turn around, for the truth might just shine through,
Then what are we to do?


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joyful commented on A Bed of Roses


I like this one, we all have monsters in the closet. This is a very nice way of putting it. Awesome!!!



Thanks for your comment to A Bed of Roses. It can be kind of funny how it seems like we can be so many different people wrapped up into one body sometimes. I don't mean that in a weird way either, but it is the only way I can really describe it. God bless! Have a wonderful day. :-)

laydbak1 commented on A Bed of Roses


If the world we wish we were in won't come to us, then off we go into one where it's all good to us... Looking back up through the mist, we can still see the other one, but for now, we're safe here in our own world, away from theirs... good write..

dovesofpeace commented on A Bed of Roses


I love this poem because I think it can relate to us all in different ways. Thank you for sharing it and I hope that you will continue to write your poetry on here and yes this is a GREAT site!

Di commented on A Bed of Roses


SAd poem but a very well worded one. I could picture my self there. A good story line is what catches the eye of the reader. And you caught my eye. Di



Thanks Di. I appreciate your input. God bless! Have a great day.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

MandyJ’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
Title Comments
No Trust 1
Blue Tunnel 1
The Lies to Believe 1
A Bed of Roses 4
No Concentration 2
Meant to Breathe Again 2
My Walls 0
Rolling Hills 1
And You? 1
What's in Between? 1
Darkness Touch 1
What You, My Savior Do 1
Solace 1