joyful’s Profile

  • Age: private
  • Location: private
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
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I 've been a born-agian Christian since 1993. I love to tell others about the love of Christ in the form of poetry. I find that writing my experiences as a believer is easier than explaining it or losing the moment forever. My spirituality is something that I want to share with many for years to come. I wrote so that it can be kepted for future generations to read. It's a calling and I pray that the Lord will continue to teach me through his revelation.

I find it disturbing when others can't comprehend the love of Christ but it is my duty to open their spiritual senses to the understanding of Jesus Christ. All these poems where written by me but inspired by the Holy Spirit through my life experiences. I hope you enjoy and allow your spiritual senses to be captivated. Feel free to comment. I am also a worship dancer utilizing flags and tambourines.


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Heartbeat44 profile comment


Hello friend. thank you for your comment,unfortunately my ex girfrind and I no longer speak to each other.Some things are better left alone.I like the name JOYFUL,being at peace within ones self always makes for a joyful person.It is my pleasure to meet you Joyful, and I look forward to some enlightening conversations with you. God bless you and yours!

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

joyful’s Poems (23)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Woman of Proverbs 31 0
Jazmine 0
Saved but Lost and Found 0
The Lonely Walk of your Storm 0
Eagle Christian 1
His Love for You 1
Favor With God 1
The End is Near 3
Savior 0
Miracle from a Seed 3
Love is a Mystery 3
God's Creation 8
The Island of Enchantment Puerto Rico 2
A Godly Man 2
The Lambs Book of Life 7
Wonderful Mothers 2
Women 4
Christ-mas Time is Here Again 2
The Mystery Wedding 2
A Heavenly Dance 3