Winds of Change


  • Nature

    Winds of Change

            Winds of change

    Dinghies bobbing freely in the sea
    As dusk arrives the tide is turning
    The skyline changing to deepest red
    Sun hanging like a big red eye.
    In the distance a ships horn blasts
    Announcing it's entry into the harbour
    Filled with people begining their holiday
    Mothers with babes in arm so tired
    Everyone filled with a new excitement
    An adventure is dawning for each one
    A cormorant on a buoy looking for fish.
    He dives but where has he gone,
    He emerges and sits bobbing atop of the water
    Looking at a mirror image of a dinghy
    The sun has set, it's blood red hue dripping
    Into the sea, there is no greater sight to watch
    Than the end of a perfect day.
    Watching as the last brush stroke is made
    The canvas is complete, and night falls
    As the Earth rests in darkness, everything sleeps
    The rejuvination is welcomed by all.
    Soon the sun will return peeping over the horizon
    But this emergence will be bright yellow
    Dapplimg the sea like molten gold
    As it sparkles, it dazzles the eyes.
    Suddenly the sky is alive with sea birds
    As if from thin air, sqawking looking for food
    And a new canvas is underway.
    But wait there are dark clouds looming in the distance
    The sun vanishes in a moment, behind the blackness
    Even her strong powerful rays are blotted out.
    The dinghy is rising and falling so fast
    It is out of control as the storm erupts,
    Mother nature is such a fickle artist.
    This is her dark period... 

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Pedro’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Arabs Gaze 2
    The Pachyderm 0
    Ode to the Do-Do 0
    Judgement 0
    Weep no more 0
    Truth 0
    Vanity 0
    Winds of Change 0
    Why 0
    As we Wait 1
    Story Book 1
    But For You 1
    Magic 1
    Unconditional love 0
    *** Children of war *** 0

    Pedro’s Friends (2)