Story Book


Story Book

      Story book

A memory that is full of love,
is our personal story book.
As we recall our life together
let's both take another look.
Our feelings we choose to hide and
keep them locked away in shame.
Till the day we find true love,
realising now, it's not a game.
In our youth, love comes and goes
and we take it without care.
But it soon becomes apparent that
with someone we need to share.
Tears may fall freely as we progress,
and hearts are broken in two.
I need to tell you now of my love,
and why I am so in love with you.
You comforted me at a time in my life
when I was feeling very low.
Voices screaming inside my head
telling me it was my time to go.
As loneliness takes over a life,
and a once warm heart grows cold.
You feel the need to find someone,
with whom you can grow old.
Everyone needs love, and to give love
I'm sure you will agree.
If I were free to love you in my way,
could you find it in your heart to love me.

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graceladymn commented on Story Book


Tell me then who could deny such a humble questing? Or refrain from a soft reply. Things not spoken for it was not time, the unsaid grew into wellrootedness strong enough to withstand the torrents of bonding that eclipses reason, mortal hearts fear such intensities and vulnerbilities until they are strong enough to embrace the energies. The answer as you know is yes and always has been for who am I but you?

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Pedro’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Arabs Gaze 2
The Pachyderm 0
Ode to the Do-Do 0
Judgement 0
Weep no more 0
Truth 0
Vanity 0
Winds of Change 0
Why 0
As we Wait 1
Story Book 1
But For You 1
Magic 1
Unconditional love 0
*** Children of war *** 0

Pedro’s Friends (2)