As we Wait


As we Wait

                     As we wait

A figure visited me in my dreams last night,
With arms opened wide to hold me close.
I felt no fear, no need to fight,
Still asleep, out of my body I rose.
This night visitor just like an old friend,
He means me no harm this time I know to be true.
For he will be with me when my time comes to an end.
This visitor reminds me of you.
Why must we fear what we don't understand,
When you awake from your sleep you can bet
You have felt his power, as he held your hand,
Unlike anything or anyone living you've ever met.
So Take it, take this power take all you can get!
It will happen more than once in your life,
But don't worry or be afraid, it's not time for you just yet.
A power so gentle, so reasuring as it releases your strife.
But then when he beckons just go, just follow the light,
As it fills you with a strength never felt before.
So soothing you are calm so do not loose sight,
For you will need this light now more and more.
As faces of loved ones bring a tear to your eye,
Their smiles reasure you this is your fate.
You have joined them now, no more asking why,
On this your last journey! you won't be late.

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graceladymn commented on As we Wait


A gentle encounter, one of blessing it sounds, I hold it for you as well to keep it fresh in your heart and mind whenever you need it. I am full, so full and warm of this love of you and I would have it no other way.

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Pedro’s Poems (15)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Arabs Gaze 2
The Pachyderm 0
Ode to the Do-Do 0
Judgement 0
Weep no more 0
Truth 0
Vanity 0
Winds of Change 0
Why 0
As we Wait 1
Story Book 1
But For You 1
Magic 1
Unconditional love 0
*** Children of war *** 0

Pedro’s Friends (2)