*** Children of war ***


  • Religion

    *** Children of war ***

    These children hidden away from sight,
    Behind locked doors they cower.
    The war outside advertising their plight,
    Made orphans by this evil power.
    For years this land was ruled by fear,
    Three cultures living as one.
    Now given their freedom they pay quite dear,
    This war now claims father, mother and son.

    Ancient history has now taken control,
    As young and old are raped and beaten to death.
    Left to rot, with no one to pray for their soul.
    From these deaths no one gains any wealth.
    They are killing their neighbors today,
    In retaliation for wars waged centuries ago.
    Acting out this evil unscripted play
    Every day these atrocities go on show.

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Pedro’s Poems (15)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Arabs Gaze 2
    The Pachyderm 0
    Ode to the Do-Do 0
    Judgement 0
    Weep no more 0
    Truth 0
    Vanity 0
    Winds of Change 0
    Why 0
    As we Wait 1
    Story Book 1
    But For You 1
    Magic 1
    Unconditional love 0
    *** Children of war *** 0

    Pedro’s Friends (2)