Poem Commentary

It Seems to be the one question we always will ask



It seems so many times through life

This question is the one we often ask

It rears its’ ugly little head

Causing us to ponder the meaning of our task


It plays no favorites

Whether it is good or bad

We still ask the question

Whether the outcome is happy or sad


Is it our search for knowledge?

Or our attempt at holding onto control

What drives this desire to know?

That we so closely need to patrol


Sometimes we know the answer

Before the thought crosses our mind

Other times we search for more justification

That’s what we are really trying to find


Facing this question can hang over us

Like a dark cloud that allows no light to shine

It can drive you near madness

As you try to row it all up in a neat little line


It seems it will never elude us

As it touches every aspect of our lives

Never really any closer to enlightenment

Our hearts and souls it strongly ties


Why did he or she and this or that

Happen or act this time or way

How many more times will I

Ask this before the end of my day


Only time I guess really stands a chance

At fully disclosing the complete and total measure

We can only hope that the scale is tipped less

Towards misery and more in tune with pleasure


Yet no matter what the answer

We’d most likely shell out our final dime

If it meant a clear meaning

Somewhere in and during our time


All I know for sure

Is that tomorrow we will ask again why

Despite our efforts it will always remain

Regardless of what we try


That’s the one question that makes us

Both Human and Divine

Don’t forget when you lock up

That you be sure to turn off the sign


We must trust that it all somehow

Makes sense for us and what we need

As from that burden we may never

Be able to truly be freed


So as another moment passes

With another outcome and result sealed

The answer to our questions Why

May never be clearly revealed.


Hold on to your faith in the hope

All Things happen for a reason

That it will be understood

 In its proper Time and Season


JD Wright


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cutbanksam commented on WHY?


The question of the ages. Why are we here? Why me? And so on. A very thought provoking piece.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

jdwright’s Poems (30)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Greatest Feeling 1
The Promise You Made To Me 1
Where I Stand On Things 0
The Road to Recovery 1
My Mother Duckling 0
Do You Know How Much I Cherish and Care For You 0
WHY? 1
Thank You For My Gift 0
Some Of The Things I Enjoy 0
Wisdom From Another 0
This Is My Gift To You 1
Beautiful Instruments of Music 3
Dedication 2
I Don't Want You To Fear 1
Am I Alive or Dead 0
As He Lies In His Despair 0
Your Own Space And Time 0
It's Time To Press On 2
So Confused and Betrayed 2
Here Is Where I'll Always Be 0
Now I Know 0
Here's Your Thank You 0
Reflection 3
You Make me Wonder 3
General Reflection 0
Destiny or Chance 0
We All Need Stars In Our Life 2
Precious Star 2