

Poem Commentary

Dedicated to my best friend that just died and also to my former lover..



I just wanted to start by dedicating this Piece
To a few who the love I have will not Cease

As I look back and see what is the whole Manifestation
I know no other way to make this Dedication

There are many who run their course and play a Part
But I had these two in mind right from the Start

Before I talk about these particular ones on my Mind

I want to thank the rest who were around at this Time

If you were one of the real, rare and true Friends
I’m always here and you I will Defend

If you are one of the rubber and flimsy Kind
I hold no grudge, it’s all just Fine

Each and Every one of you has their Place
That’s why there’s losers and winners in every Race

Now with that behind me and having been Said
Let’s get to where this is suppose to have Led

To The First He sadly is no longer with Us
I’ll see you later in this I Trust

I don’t remember if I ever really fully thanked You
One of the truest friends, when there’s so Few

16 years I was honored and blessed to call you my Friend
You will remain in my heart all the way to my End

I know my life was better because of knowing You
You taught me a lot about who I am and what to Do.

Thank You Brother, It was my honor you to know
R I P I‘ll see you again when it’s my time to Show

So this brings us to the second of the Two
The rest is dedicated all to You

We’ve come a long way in a short amount of Time
The love we’ve shared is hard and very rare to Find

No matter how it’s transformed and Changed
There’s still a bond and concern that has Remained

What does one say about someone like You
A Gift , a Blessing just to name a Few

Thank You for everything you’ve done and Do
I don’t know how I’d made it without your love and You

Know I love you and you’re my STAR
If you ever need me, there’s no distance that’s too Far

You definitely were not part of my original Plan
But because of you I’m a better Man

So I dedicate this book to You
Two of the greatest people, real and True

And Remember as you continue through your Time
Ours was a wonderful blessing and an amazing Find.

Thanks, I love you Both/

JD Wright /12/05/2009

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Teardrops commented on Dedication


to tell eveyone thanks is someithing everyone should do its a caring and heartfelt thing to do wonderful poem truly

FranzJ commented on Dedication


I admire your guts - putting all of this in words is pure bravey

Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

jdwright’s Poems (30)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Greatest Feeling 1
The Promise You Made To Me 1
Where I Stand On Things 0
The Road to Recovery 1
My Mother Duckling 0
Do You Know How Much I Cherish and Care For You 0
WHY? 1
Thank You For My Gift 0
Some Of The Things I Enjoy 0
Wisdom From Another 0
This Is My Gift To You 1
Beautiful Instruments of Music 3
Dedication 2
I Don't Want You To Fear 1
Am I Alive or Dead 0
As He Lies In His Despair 0
Your Own Space And Time 0
It's Time To Press On 2
So Confused and Betrayed 2
Here Is Where I'll Always Be 0
Now I Know 0
Here's Your Thank You 0
Reflection 3
You Make me Wonder 3
General Reflection 0
Destiny or Chance 0
We All Need Stars In Our Life 2
Precious Star 2