Where I Stand On Things


Poem Commentary

Some will never believe

Where I Stand On Things

Here’s Where I Stand On Things


Well if you ever wondered about what I think

If you’ve pondered how and why I don’t sink


Then the answers you seek are soon to follow

If you could careless then this might be hard to swallow


There seems to be a misnomer about me floating around

That the things I speak of may not be completely sound


Well I’ll be the first to stand and admit

I might be a little wild and slightly full of it


At the same time and in the same manner

I’ve done all I said there’s no need for the banter


I can’t seem to understand what’s so unbelievable

Anything can be accomplished there’s nothing unachievable



So because I’ve chosen to take a different path

Some seem not believe and display an unfair wrath


I don’t get what’s so unconceivable

Because you choose different my life is so unbelievable


Sometimes I sit back and reflect on the past

 It is overwhelming and it has gone by so fast


I have lived a full life and things experienced many

There’s no reason to create falsehoods the truth is plenty


Why it’s so hard for anyone to perceive

It’s all out there for the entire world to see


If my thoughts and ways and yours aren’t the same

That gives you no reason to doubt or try and place blame


So my life and yours go in different ways

I don’t think down of you or any of your plays



I’ve done what I’ve done and do what I do

Not really sure why it seems to have such an effect on you


As I grow older I realize many of the errors in my strategy

But a closed mind would be the ultimate tragedy


So live your life and I’ll live mine

If you don’t believe well that’s just fine


There’s many ways to find out what’s real and true

Knowing that deception just doesn’t seem the thing to do


So if you find yourself with thoughts of doubt

Whether it’s about me or someone else your unsure of their clout


Remember your life is the one that you need to keep in check

Let everybody tend to their own mess and wreck


Maybe in the future with those I share I’ll be more select

And spare the doubters upon which I now reflect



Bottom line is it’s up to me

Whether I care if you or anyone else will believe


So with that in mind I say to you

Best of luck in all you do


May you open your mind and try something new

To yourself and yours may you always stay true.


JD Wright


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

jdwright’s Poems (30)

Title Comments
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Where I Stand On Things 0
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