Why I Smile


Poem Commentary

There is no reason not to smile

Why I Smile

Each day, as I wake
    From a much troubled sleep,
I'm greeted with beauty
    the Lord let us keep.

The brilliance of sunshine
    and songs of the birds
Set my mood for the day
    Without speaking words.

Or even the rainfall,
    Its sound as I wake,
Make yesterdays troubles
    Easier to take.

The rustle of leaves
    As they play in the breeze
While the sun and the clouds
    Play a 'peek-a-boo' tease.

The music of nature
    Screams out so strong
That it drowns out the TV
    Telling what is so wrong.

You say you can't do that...
    It's hard to relax
When life is so full
    Of its pressures and tax.

So many can't see
    Or feel what I can.
This world and its pressures
    Have a hold of their hand.

They think they are lost,
    But the way is within...
I tell them to listen
    and say with a grin...

Forget all the counsel
    And books you have read
Then open your mind
    and your heart instead.

This world as it stands
    Would have you believe
That you are alone
    In your troubles and grief.

But you have a friend,
    So wise, who will share
His comfort and wisdom
    If you acknowledge He's there.

The One who created
    Everything that you see
Has arms that are open
    To you and to me.

But like people you know
    and have known in your days
You must visit Him often
    Or you'll not know His ways.

Thank Him for the day
    You have woken up to,
For the sun in your window,
    and the grass with its dew.

Thank Him for your food,
    'cause He made it to grow
And for all that surrounds you--
    Look high and look low.

Then tell Him all your troubles
    and ask His advise.
Your friend the Creator
    Of all is So wise.

Ask Him for guidance,
    You won't go astray.
And let His arms hold you
    If you need comfort today.

Speak to Him often,
    He'll always be there...
You'll find yourself changing,
    A smile you will wear.

Of course, there is something
    That He asks us to do
In return for His love
    and His friendship with you.

To fill up our lives
    With His love and His ways
He gave us His Books
    To guide us today.

Make time to read them
    and you'll get to know
What all the Almighty
    is willing to show.

You must read and study,
    He wrote them for you
So you really can answer
    "What Should God's People do?"

Then be an example
    for others to see
That the Love of the Father
     Really does set you free.

You still will have troubles
    But the load you can bear
With a Friend and a Father
    Who show Love and Care.

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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Hermit53’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
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