9-11 Controversy


9-11 Controversy

When will people that I know
Begin to understand
That Mosque or Church does not promote
The hate for fellow man.

We know a building is just show,
Display of Faith and Pride,
And that a Temple or a Mosque
Within the meek reside.

When will the people ever learn
We all have common bonds;
The Christians, Mulsims, and the Jews
Sing all the basic songs.

I know that Christians, Muslims, both
Stand firm in their belief
But diff'rences become so small
When basic teachings leak.

We see our brothers, sisters. too
As neighbors on this Earth,
And regulations in each faith
Do not degrade its worth.

The wisdom of the ones so learned
In doctrines of our faiths
Are twisted by a few who want
Their own agendas raged.

But most of us, within our heart
Still share a common dream,
We do not yield to lies of hate
Or what is taught extreme.

When will the people of the world
Reject extremists scam
And find we share a common link
In one called Abraham.

Two sons he had; Two sons were taught,
And both were Circumcised.
The Muslims claim from one decend,
The Jews, the other, prize.

The name of God could not be said
When Jesus was alive
And later even Muslims called
Him Allah: "God Most High".

We want a world of brotherhood,
Where all are fed and well,
But some seem so determined to
Condemn that dream to Hell.

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A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Hermit53’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
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