The Drinker


The Drinker

The Drinker

I don't know where it comes from
Or why it's there today,
And though I seem so sunny
The inside's always grey...

There's stress inside my body...
Emotions running wild.
I must dilute the strong until
I'm mellow and they're mild.

I know that I'm a drinker
and guess I'll always be --
staying up too late at night
For one more drink, you see.

I wake up in the morning
All ready for the day...
Sometimes I vow I'll quit, again...
But those vows never stay.

I work all day without a sip,
Then evening rolls around...
The Me that most will never know
Can drink you to the gound.

Jim Kistner Jr

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CECE42 commented on The Drinker


very accurate great poem.....I have lived with two people who have shared this addiction and it is very sad when you see someone lose so much.

JadedJezzabel commented on The Drinker


awsome visual poem that depicts a day in the life of an addict very clear and well. cheers..........

Rhymer commented on The Drinker


You painted a vivid picture of the fucntioning alcoholic. Dependency on anything is never good for the body or soul. 10 from me.

Hermit53 commented on The Drinker


I am very empathic. I put myself in a friends position and wrote as that person.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Hermit53’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Cycle 0
9-11 Controversy 0
Friends and Motives 0
The Drinker 5
Evolution #3 1
Evolution #2 0
Evolution #1 1
What Is The Distance? 0
The Water Drop 1
Why I Smile 0
The Purpose of Life 1