  • Other

    WHO AM I?

    Who am i?
    I am multiracial,
    out of many one people came me,,,
    proud and free.
    Black,white,and indian to be,
    me... I'm free
    call me mut,
    call me cracker,
    call me a black wanna be,
    but me, I'm free
    Free to be the proud me.
    Yes...me I'm free and proud.
    I live my life in a world so cold,
    Unaccepted by negro haters,
    Unaccepted by white haters.
    But, me I'm free
    My race is color blind
    but yet color I see.
    Yes me I free.
    Free to see racism
    is emotional blind.
    Who am I?
    I am me, proud and free
    color has no barrier with me.
    So...who am I?
    I am multiracial...,
    the white complected black woman you see.
    Hated by whites.
    Hated by blacks.
    Proud of who I've come to be.
    Who am I?
    I am me, proud and free.
    Hung by whites.
    Outcast by blacks.
    So...really, Who am I?
    I'm the best of both worlds.
    The mut,
    The Cracker,
    The oreo,
    The black wanna be.
    Take a look at me!
    See I am me,
    Yes! me,
    I'm here, proud and free.
    Free to be me.
    Free to be the person you see
    look at me,
    Who am I?
    I AM ME.

    Poem Comments


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    patricialouise commented on WHO AM I?


    This is really good. Why some want to label people. I've heard I am color blind, color ignorant, but it is not true. I am an Anthropologist by Degree and I SEE color and appreciate it all. I love rainbows. Freedom is formost, and "Love is all we need." Keep writing from the heart.

    LesHale commented on WHO AM I?


    Great Poem. Just keep being proud of who you are. Being proud of who you are is all that matters. Excellent work. Keep it up cant wait to read more of your poems.

    HarverTomsson commented on WHO AM I?


    Find your true voice and you will be able to write, "loved by whites, and loved by balcks, and loved by all who are not too proud to embrace a common humanity that sees hearts, and minds before skin"

    stephenmichael commented on WHO AM I?


    Yes you are you... A forceful write with the knowledge of self...Who cares what they think...Small minds evil tounges, They can go to hell! We shall live on as we are... beautiful and bold... Stephen...



    Let us not wish people to Hell but to open their minds and hearts.

    bandit1192 commented on WHO AM I?


    Be proud of who you are! Deep down aren't we all mutts? Excellant message. TS

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    pantherprincess’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I FOUND.... 1
    WHO AM I? 9