  • Love

    I FOUND....

    I found my heart at the end of a grey rainbow.
    I found my love on a corner called dead mans borrow.
    I found my life in a script for plays filled with fake actors and dead beat wannabes.
    I found light at the end of a tunnel.
    I found my love on a serpents tongue we faught and I won,
    true love on the whisper of the wind.
    I found myself inside my soul.
    I found my true life, but its no longer with me.
    See I may say I am me, but I lost me
    when I met Mr. Wrong or better yet Mr. Wrong met me.
    Now, my life's in a bottle afloat on an ocean traveling the world sea to sea, trying to find the security of my soul within me.
    I found sweet kisses of passion on ribbons from my true loves heart.
    I found my soul mate drunk with pain under a rock hiding from a broken heart.
    I found my heartbeat when he played his drum,
    he saved my life and I saved his heart.
    I took my journey and he took his.
    Now my true life's returned to be with me.
    He gives me life and i give him love.
    See I found what I needed, in my soul mate.
    I found true love and true love found me.

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    stephenmichael commented on I FOUND....


    Well thought out and it feels of love... We can and do find who and what we want if we stop looking for the wrung things...It happens in it's own time...Great write...Stephen

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    pantherprincess’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I FOUND.... 1
    WHO AM I? 9