LilMissa’s Profile

  • Age: 50
  • Location: Claremont, NH
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


I'm a proud mother of two of the most beautiful kids. I love being a mom.I could NOT picture my life without them and I don't ever want to. Being a mom has changed me in so many ways for the better. It is a life experience that can not be explained in words, but lived.
I am many things like a daughter, friend, lover, survivor, student, entrepreneur, a writer/poet, a fighter when need to be and the most important a mom. I make mistakes like everyone else, but I do my best to fix them. I am always growing, changing and learning.
I am devoted to my family, friends and to the special someone that I love. I'm determined and a fighter. I will stand up for what and who I believe in.
I know from experience that life is short and you should treasure it. You should also treasure the people that love you in your life because you never know when they could disappear. Follow your dreams and heart no matter what others say. Live for yourself and be true to who you are, then no one can bring you down.
I started writing in Junior high then in high school I got more into it. I love being able to express myself through writing. I like all kinds of writing. I write poems, stories, etc. It helps me to make sense of all the thoughts running through my head. My mind is constantly going, so why not put it into words. It helps to see things differently and gives me a new perspective. Writing is just one of my passions and it's something I enjoy. I simply love to write and be creative.


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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

LilMissa’s Poems (17)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Thinking Aloud 0
I DO and I DON'T 0
Turn Back Time 1
Promises 1
I Miss 0
Friends 0
Love 0
Long Time 0
About That SPECIAL Someone 0
Questions 0
Happy and Loved 0
Untitled 0
Torn in Two 2
My Thoughts 2
My Life 0
Like A Fool 0
Keith Powers 0