What's Wrong?


  • Sadness
  • ,
  • Death

    What's Wrong?

    people ask but they don't really care
    they pretend to listen
    when really they are just waiting to complain
    like what you have to say isn't important
    like you don't have problems of your own
    like you aren't going through hell
    well i am tired of people not listening
    i have stuff to say myself
    i am tired of being the shy and quiet girl
    i am tired of hiding my pain behind fake happiness
    people need to be less cruel
    like not leading other people on
    cause eventually a girl gets used to often
    she winds up becoming heartless
    or she will just take a gun to her head
    cause a girls heart can only break into so many pieces
    then she will feel an emotion that i call nothingness
    it is better to be died or anything else besides feeling the nothingness
    so that's what's wrong
    if you don't care then you are the type of person i am talking about
    i am tired of living like this so i just give up

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    darkangel16’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Pain 2
    ALONE 1
    nothingness 1
    What's Wrong? 0
    leading on 0
    Angel from Heaven 1
    deliverer of death 2
    let them go 1
    Fire 2
    Beauty 1
    Busy Critters 0
    Soul Mate 0
    About Me 1
    your the heartless one 3
    may not love me later 6
    how it is 1
    give up 5
    died again 2