may not love me later


may not love me later

i have been hurt very bad
but i never show it
i never show the sorrow
i never show the pain
i have never cried in front of someone

you may love me now
but will you love me if i told you all the things i have been through
and all the things i have seen

would you stay with me no matter what i go through
will you be there for me when i need yuo
you may love me no
but you may not love me later 

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KeithAColeman commented on may not love me later


this poem is too real!! a beautiful way to ask for unconditional love.

angelchaser commented on may not love me later


An open and honest piece, I bet one that was a little scary to write, as if you're challenging others to get to know you and see if they'll stick by you as a true friend should, even when the chips are down. I'm here if you ever need someone to listen.

Len commented on may not love me later


The play on words in the title made a big difference in what is taking away from this poem. I always end my poems with the title, it lets me know when the piece is done. Reading this poem makes me think maybe it can and should be more than an exclaimation point. GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!

sk8erpoet commented on may not love me later


I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this and to some extent so can I. Keep writing......sk8

jj1562 commented on may not love me later


oh i will i cant turn now you know too many of my secrets jk love ya brit



Hahaha very funny.................not Lolz jk love ya to

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

darkangel16’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Pain 2
nothingness 1
What's Wrong? 0
leading on 0
Angel from Heaven 1
deliverer of death 2
let them go 1
Fire 2
Beauty 1
Busy Critters 0
Soul Mate 0
About Me 1
your the heartless one 3
may not love me later 6
how it is 1
give up 5
died again 2