how it is


  • Life

    Poem Commentary

    i wrote this a year ago

    how it is

    it may be a game
    it may just be a passion
    there is no way of telling what it is
    all i know is i am having fun
    is that not what matters

    this is how it is
    this is my life
    i am meant to have fun
    so if you do not like it
    then just dissappear

    out of sight
    out of mind
    is that not the saying
    is that not how it should be
    if it is suppose to be that way
    than why isn't it 

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    angelchaser commented on how it is


    I like your open and honest style, as well as how free-form thus poem is, as though you're casting to the wind what others may expect to see and are just writing from your gut. Well done :)

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    darkangel16’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Pain 2
    ALONE 1
    nothingness 1
    What's Wrong? 0
    leading on 0
    Angel from Heaven 1
    deliverer of death 2
    let them go 1
    Fire 2
    Beauty 1
    Busy Critters 0
    Soul Mate 0
    About Me 1
    your the heartless one 3
    may not love me later 6
    how it is 1
    give up 5
    died again 2