leading on


leading on

people lead you on
then out of no where
they hurt you
you did nothing wrong to them
you were nothing but kind to them
you think they are sweet and caring
then bam out of the blue they throw a surprise at you
and i am not talking about a good surprise
it is a surprise that tears your heart out of your chest
and then rips it in half
people lead you on just to hurt you on purpose
they figure out that you are almost to the point of giving up
then they try to find stuff to tear you down the rest of the way
i just got a message from a guy i really like a lot
and care about and at first it seemed like he felt the same way
but i guess i was wrong maybe he was just using me
but whats new
isn't that why i am alive
so guys can just use me over and over again
well this guy really had me going
and now i hope he is happy
he lead me on and tore me down the rest of the way
i just say screw it
I give up
i give up on love
i give up on life
whats the point of living when all you have know is pain, sorrow, and torture
so yea i am finally giving up on everything
i have been used to much
and now i have nothing left to give
to myself or others
all because a guy decided to lead me on

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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

darkangel16’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Pain 2
nothingness 1
What's Wrong? 0
leading on 0
Angel from Heaven 1
deliverer of death 2
let them go 1
Fire 2
Beauty 1
Busy Critters 0
Soul Mate 0
About Me 1
your the heartless one 3
may not love me later 6
how it is 1
give up 5
died again 2