


alone outside in the dark
the beautiful stars twinkling above me
a dying fire in front of me
it is January but tonight it feels like March
the embers look like they are breathing
in and out
light and dark
i never knew fire could be so calming
some people think of it as nothing but destruction
when it all depends on the person
if you let a fire go wild
then it will bring destruction
but if you keep the fire calm
then it could be very calming
the same goes for love
so the question is
will you let the fire run wild
or will you keep the fire calm?

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lithiumblack commented on Fire


Great verse, dark and playful, touched with a hint of romance and personality. Quite an inspiring piece.

angelchaser commented on Fire


Very nice:). I love this poem, different from something I'd write. It made me smile. It's also important to not let the fire die out.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

darkangel16’s Poems (18)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Pain 2
nothingness 1
What's Wrong? 0
leading on 0
Angel from Heaven 1
deliverer of death 2
let them go 1
Fire 2
Beauty 1
Busy Critters 0
Soul Mate 0
About Me 1
your the heartless one 3
may not love me later 6
how it is 1
give up 5
died again 2