What! I'm old fashioned?!


What! I'm old fashioned?!

Hear this!
our kids telling us,
were old fashioned.
who do they think they are!

We have been there, done that!
nothing has changed.

There may be new things going on,
but it is the same thing.

It's just in a different light!
who do our kids think we are?

who birth them?
whose stomach did they come out of?
who put the woman on this earth,
in being allowed to having children.
who raised them before they could walk or talk.

Why, we were here long before they ever existed!
they were not even around!
We were in the world,
seeing as things goes,
struggling as things were,
and they have the nerve to call us old fashioned!
I think not!

I mean, I don't have to think.
I know not!

today, these kids in this world,
think that they know better than we do.

Excuse me!
God did not put us on this earth,
for nothing!

The bible says: honor your mother and father,
it did not say: later for you ,mother and father!
It said" Honor"!

What part of honor, did they not understand
We are not old fashioned,
we have come a long way,
to tell you, what is , and what's not!

If they think,
we are old fashioned
just wait til they learn,
when their children,
starts to call them old fashioned!

Because right now,
they are going to learn the hard way,
if they don't listen to us!
all we can do now,
is pray for them.
and I mean,really pray for them.

They should never forget where they came from
or who brought them into this world,
and who gave them life!

Do not forget the giver of life
Do not forget your parents,
no matter how old you may be.
our life, your life belong to god,
and god is not old fashioned!

He gave us the bible,
to correct our way,
to straighten up our paths,
to give us wisdom,
that book was written by god,
passed on to us, by god,
and that book is still with us today, tomorrow and forever!
it is his words, that we breathe in,
that we teach our children to take in,
it is from god, that we have taken in, for our children.
it is from god, his words, and they are alive!
and he is not old fashioned,
and neither are we, who thrive to live by his words.

So who are you calling old fashioned!

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sandys commented on What! I'm old fashioned?!


AMEN to every word!!!! I agree, having birthed and raised(still raising) five of my own. Nice write!

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

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