"I Pray"


"I Pray"

I pray for wisdom,
not of this world,
but wisdom from god,
I pray.

I pray to understand,
so that I can be a
better person,
not by my own eyes,
but in the eyes of god.
I pray.

I pray for,
my soul
to cling on to his words
and never let go.

I pray,
that I do by his words,
and not reliate.

I pray for peace,
amid this world crisis.

I pray for love,
amid the hate,
that grows like ivy vines.

I pray for humility,
to be humble before others.

I pray for friendship,
not the seed of hypocrite,
who flows among weed,
but true friendship,
that flows around,
heartfelt truths and agape!

I pray for my soul,
to be timesless, comforted, courageous,
and strong.

amid living in this world,
I pray.
for god's kingdom,
to take over,
so that I can live,
seemingly forever!

AS I pray,
I look up in the sky,
tears running down my face,
I am feeling comforted by
by father who is in heaven.
as I close my eyes,
I shall hear him say:

Dear child, you are not alone,
I will be with you from day to day
to guide you, here take my hand,
do not be afraid.
for I am with you, always,
til the end of days!

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ansari commented on "I Pray"


a beautiful poem. Your belief in the all powerful,merciful Creator is strong just as mine. I am a Muslim. I love your expression. a10 from me.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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