In time by carolyn young


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    In time by carolyn young

    In time,
    things will change,
    It may be for the better,
    it may be for the worse.
    but definitely for the better.
    for it will be in time.

    In time,
    things will change
    hearts will be mended,
    love will be anew,
    but it will be in time.

    In time,
    there will be peace,
    No gates on the door,
    not even on the window.
    but it will be in time.

    In time,
    there will be no more killings,
    no death, no sickness,
    no more crying.
    but it will be in time.

    In time,
    just llike the eagle spreading it wings,
    so will the peace be spread all around.

    In time,
    the earth will be renewed,
    no more taxes to be paided,
    no more will houses have to be built by someone else.
    We will built our own houses,
    and our neighbors will be a true friend.
    but it will be in time.

    In time,
    we will have no need to fear,
    of a nuclear war,
    or of having cancer,
    and no more diseases,
    these and others,
    will be a thing of the past.
    but indeed in will be in time.

    In time,
    there will be a loud outcry.
    of singing songs,
    and laughter,
    our hearts will be happy,
    there will be tears of joy!
    A roar of of applauses!
    Yes, but it will be in time!

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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    enidyoung’s Poems (15)

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