The woman you are by carolyn young


The woman you are by carolyn young

Beauty, inside and out.
Inspiring, endearing,.
Romantic, huggable,
Apealing, enduring,
Lovable, Sympathetic,
Companion, Friend,cOMFORTER,
The Woman You are.

thought many example
sweetness is by far.
The Woman you are.

Courageous, Strong,
inevitable, determined,
forebearing, reliable,
trusting, responsible,
The Woman You are.

God fearing, gentle,
witty and fun.
flowering like roses,
aromatic like lilac,
truthful eyes,
and energectic soul,
loving lips,
a careress body,
made by the almighty god,
the woman you are!

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MOMofTWINS commented on The woman you are by carolyn young


Wonderfully written, Carolyn! A unique way of writting wich I deffanitly enjoyed!!! Very heartfelt (: Great job!



thank you MomsofTwins. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It is for womans everywhere, They should be like Queens, and treated like one. Thanks again. Peace!

starskyslady2 commented on The woman you are by carolyn young


WHOA!! Carolyn....this was fabulious!!!! YOU GO GIRL!! Man, I'm up and new here and thought wow, this looks really good lemme click on it and see what it's all about! I knew it, ya had the tears rolling. For you are certainly right about us women. We are the mothers of the world. We take on the worlds and every other problem therte and see what good we can do to try and ease the pain for people, our loverd ones, our children , strangers...Carolyn, this one is a beauty! You should be very proud. I'm sitting here in chronic pain waiting for my childrens laundry to be finished for tomorrw for school, and what a precoius gift I was given tonight by being able to read your poem. Thanks for sharing. Eileen Starskyslady2



thanks starskylady2, I appreciated your comment on the woman you are, and glad it made your day. will be posing some more soon! Peace!

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

enidyoung’s Poems (15)

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The woman you are by carolyn young 2
What! I'm old fashioned?! 1
"I Pray" 1
"Woman" 1
I am that woman 0
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"Loving You" 0
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"This crazy love" by Carolyn Young 0
"Why don't they listen" By Carolyn Young 3