

  • AsumngiDieAlone
  • is wondering why it's so easy to write poetry, though she's the only one her age who does


The moon shines bright

And the stars twinkle,

But I just can’t stop

These thoughts; so cynical.

I act indifferent

But my heart cares,

Every moment you’re with her

My heart tears

Open a wound

Of soul to spill,

That weakens my mind

And racks my body with chills.

A fever of longing

That controls my gravity

And sends my body

Spinning with insanity

To the depths of hell.

The Devil’s cries

Seduce her ears

With beautiful lies.


You laugh at my torture

But I scorn your voice,

We needed to part

Because we had no choice.

I loathed your love

And loved your hate,

But your words of longing

Were far too late.

You’re not worth the trouble

It takes to scream

Shouts to the sky

Or fears towards a dream.

A dream that shattered

And bled on my life,

Making my heart rip with each

Cut of the knife.

You stole my laugh

And didn’t care

That my hopes and dreams

I didn’t bother to share.

See, now you’ve won.

Go, by all means,

Collect your prize

And sew up the loose seams.

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lightcourier commented on Unstitched


nice work. Though i usually don't like the lover quarrel/jealousy type of poetry, you did this well. I liked the imagery you displayed.



That's good because i don't usual right about that stuff. i feel it's not as important as other aspects of life.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

AsumngiDieAlone’s Poems (10)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Not So Irrational 4
Hidden Pearls Shine the Brightest 1
Unstitched 1
Your New Lie Boils, My Old Heart freezes 2
I Need to Learn to Idolize Myself 0
Rumbling Serenades, Falling Lyrics 1
Harmful Protecion 2
Bloody Sacrifice 1
Frozen Images 2
Up Where You've Always Belonged 1