I Need to Learn to Idolize Myself


  • Sadness
    • AsumngiDieAlone
    • is wondering why it's so easy to write poetry, though she's the only one her age who does

    I Need to Learn to Idolize Myself

    Tiny cracks spread over my
    Like rapidly thickening veins:
    I shatter.
    It just goes to show that however much you may
    Idolize someone,
    In the end,
    They’ll just end up disappointing you;
    No one ever lives up to their

    I hate so much to be
    So why even dream of an
    Why not just isolate myself?
    That way,
    It seems like I’M the one in
    I wasn’t just some
    But was it really the right thing to do?
    Does pretending to be so
    Make me all the more

    So maybe I should find a
    Way out.
    They made me like this,
    But maybe there’s still a chance for me to
    Or, maybe it’s just
    Too late.
    I used to be
    But now I’m afraid
    Even to look over the
    Edge of the cliff.
    Maybe I’ll grow my wings back someday…

    Or maybe not.

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    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    AsumngiDieAlone’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Not So Irrational 4
    Hidden Pearls Shine the Brightest 1
    Unstitched 1
    Your New Lie Boils, My Old Heart freezes 2
    I Need to Learn to Idolize Myself 0
    Rumbling Serenades, Falling Lyrics 1
    Harmful Protecion 2
    Bloody Sacrifice 1
    Frozen Images 2
    Up Where You've Always Belonged 1