Time is Meaninless


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    Time is Meaninless

    Time they say is made up and time is what most people cling to in this so called life liven in a world that useing this as a crutch to make people think that they need to do things in a certain order to make there lives happy. Will is what people need to belive in for that is what makes a person the strongest if you have the will to belive that you will become something great then you will make your life one of happenies, dont let time dictate your life just know that you will be the one that has the will to make the right decisions in your life. I want everyone to know that time will stand still when you realize that you have the will to change your life to the right

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    star commented on Time is Meaninless


    That is so true. You are a wise man.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Chigger2069’s Poems (22)

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