Come Walk With Me


Come Walk With Me

Walking in Darkness, demons surround me as I pass. Time dose not matter here, for only I can say when Im ready to go. Come into my world, lay your fears aside and journey with me. Walking deeper into my mind, dont be afraid for I'm here walking with you. As my darkness surrounds us, notice the Demons are held at bay. Wondering why I can controll them, I'm not what I appear to be. Look into my eyes, and see the millions of lost souls, that have been hidden inside me. Forsaken am I to walk, and now i bring you on this trip with me. There's a light ahead, from which has no source. This is where I part, for as you can see theres no place for an angel like yourself, in my world. Run to the Light, and let it take you home, and remeber child, " Without me there is no Light, For I am the Keeper of both Light and Dark and you are all my children. Sleep peacfully knowing, I will never let one overpower the other."

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EvilPoems commented on Come Walk With Me


perfect lol sounds like me XD good write!!! love it to death, and im looking forward to more, keep in touch!

NacolleMarie commented on Come Walk With Me


wow you are really incredibly talented... i rreally really liked t his one alot. It makes me want to go write again hehe

WrittenJustice commented on Come Walk With Me


that really reached both sides of me..and its odd that i can connect with both aspects of the light and the shadow..damn good work.

chubbc commented on Come Walk With Me


i liked this it was a nice depiction of like a gate keeper of sorts holding the key to light and dark very good read

dahlusion commented on Come Walk With Me


Yes, we are the keepers of light and dark. "there's no place for an angel like yourself in my world" —— love this line!

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Chigger2069’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Abyss 1
The Last Addiction 7
Druken Jibbrish 2
Hour Glass 8
I am a Product 4
Smile 3
The Final Battle Chp. 1 4
Journey to My Inner Soul 1
Follow This be Crazy like Me. 7
From The Ashes 1
One Last Time 1
Behind Closed Doors 2
Come Walk With Me 7
The Last True Warrior 7
Baby Girl 3
Prayer of an Old Soul 3
Dreams Vs Reality 2
In Her Eyes 2
Tearless Angel 2
In Darkness 2
The One I look up Too. 3
Time is Meaninless 2