The Final Battle Chp. 1


The Final Battle Chp. 1

I have died, but when I get to what is supposed to be the Pearly Gates, I do not find Saint Peter, instead I see a twisted structure where the gates once stood. I look around and the streets of gold, which seem to have had chunks blowen out of them much like that of craters on a battlefeild. I walk futher into Heavan where I come to a Feild on one side I see ranks of Angels, in battle formation with swords drawen and armor that shines like dimonds in the light of heavan, almost blinding to my eyes. I sheild them and look acrossed the feild and see a hole, black as crude oil seaping out of a freshly dug well. From this hole i see demons, some big so small all with armor riddled with bones and lost souls of those who have fallen.

In the distance I see a figure rideing toward me, on a white horse he rides with a Black Hood covering his face so not to be seen, as he comes closer i notice a long staff with a balde made of what appears to be gold on the end of it. He stops just inches from where I stand and dismounts his horse. He come to me and opens his robe, inside I see two objects, on the right, a white sword, the blade is made from what seems to be ivory with a gold inlay to the sharpened side, the hilt has griffen's heads on both sides and the hadle is interwoven with gold and white silk, and the bottom a dragon with a white pearl that seems to have a white light shineing from it. On the left, a black blade with what seems to be a freshly heated magma on the sharp side, the hilt has two snake's heads and the handle seems to be interwoven with rusted iron and cold blue steel, and the end a dragon with a black pearl in its mouth and in the center, it seems to have a fire that wants to consume the soul. The Hooded man speaks to me " Child it is time to choose your side, we have been waiting for this day for decades, but only you can make the right choice," I reach for the black sword because it seems to be calling my name, but at the last minute I pull my hand back, and turn and grab the White sword.

As my hands hold the blade a wave washes over me, all the pain and sarrow and hatred that I once had, seems to be taken from me and I feel a loveing light surround me. I look at the Hood Man and his face is clear, Im staring face to face with Jesus himself and he smiles. Just as I'm about to ask a question, I hear the sound of a great horn in the distance and feel a sharp pain shoot through my back, I fall to my knee's only to hear some voice say "Raise my Child, and join me among the ranks of my Angel's," I look out of the coner of my eye's and see a set of wing's with feathers of gold and ivory color comeing from my back. I stand and find myself greeted by a white stead, which bekons me to mount him. I climb on the stead and look toward the battlefeild.

In the sky I see two men on white thrown's, the first is that of Jesus wearing his hood down and armor of what seems to be white ivory shells and dimonds, in his hand a sword of gold that glows brighter then ten suns. The man to his side is older, his face lined with age, hair white, in a white robe with gold tailies to close it. In his hand he holds a single staff of pure irvoy with gold inlay, at the top a white pearl that emits the most wonderful light that seems to bring peace to whatever it touches. I look toward the hole again and time I see a throne's of skulls and bones and fire comeing from behind it. One on sits a younger man jet black hair, in armor of skulls and iron, with a jagged battle axe, black and red with flames comeing from it. and to the side of him an older man blonde hair with eyes black as night that seem to scream with the power of ten thousand lost souls, his armor red jewled with horns on the shoudlers, in the hand a claymore with a twisted black blade, a snake rapped around the handle and a bow made out of ribs slung acrossed his back.

I hear the great horn soud again, as the armirs seems to pare for the battle, I see the angels side shift, and come chariot's drawen by griffins, with angels in the backs armed with bows ready to take fligth. On the other side the demons shift and dragons bring forth arch demons with spears dripping with liquid flame.

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dahlusion commented on The Final Battle Chp. 1


this is a gem of a story told with such emotion. bravo!!

Sydney commented on The Final Battle Chp. 1


wow, youve made so interesting that i could not turn away. youve made it to be pulling the reader towards the story to continue reading. please hurry with Chapter 2. Sydney



Thank you i should be posting chapter two by the end of this week depending on my time schedule, Im glad you liked it.

jtlove commented on The Final Battle Chp. 1


You are a messenger of light fighting the good fight. I'm so glad you're on our side. I'm sure the demons wept at the loss of such a mighty warrior. I will pray 4 u always.



thank you for the comment and there is more to come of it i hope you enjoy it.

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Chigger2069’s Poems (22)

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