I am a Product


I am a Product

I am a product of the unseen mind, I live in the emotions of feelings that you feel everyday. I come and go as I please, yet I was made by you. You gave me feelings, emotion, fears, hatred, and life and still I am lost to you.  I stand alone on my journey and yet I still find many with me in heart.  I feel lost in an clouded world and I walk on surrounded by darkness and light at the same time.  I am a product of you.  I was you hope and emotion a feeling that you wanted and when i came you abandon me to walk alone.  I am a product of depression that you left behind as you moved on with your life.  I am a product of Mankind, I am your son.

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bluewolf commented on I am a Product


“Every word, facial expression, gesture, or action on the part of a parent gives the child some message about self-worth. It is sad that so many parents don’t realize what messages they are sending.” ~Virginia Satir We are the guides, advisers, motivators, supportive structure and role models for our children. Unfortunately some parents find they are incapable to perform such duties and instead disregard such obligations.

sk8erpoet commented on I am a Product


love it.............love the emotion......great write.......sk8

ApaqRasgirl commented on I am a Product


that was a fantastic piece, I thoroughly enjoyed this one,,,,,your thoughts and emotions flowed all through your words..great write......love asha

WordSlinger commented on I am a Product


This is very true, but you can't let the world wear you like that, good write, :) ty WS

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Chigger2069’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Abyss 1
The Last Addiction 7
Druken Jibbrish 2
Hour Glass 8
I am a Product 4
Smile 3
The Final Battle Chp. 1 4
Journey to My Inner Soul 1
Follow This be Crazy like Me. 7
From The Ashes 1
One Last Time 1
Behind Closed Doors 2
Come Walk With Me 7
The Last True Warrior 7
Baby Girl 3
Prayer of an Old Soul 3
Dreams Vs Reality 2
In Her Eyes 2
Tearless Angel 2
In Darkness 2
The One I look up Too. 3
Time is Meaninless 2