Hour Glass


Hour Glass

Time is forsaken to all the ones in the hollowed ground, Life is an escape for time that's been left inbound. Clarity, the one true escape based upon truth seen by the blind, and yet I beg for a little more time. Comfort for the old and confusion for the young all brought together, by a single sand as time has begun.

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PoetWithCancer commented on Hour Glass


This is a well-written poem. It has a number of meanings that are not immediately apparent, but come to light on a second reading and more readings. That is the attribute of rich poetry. Some of the meanings here I find disturbing. That is how it should be. This I will give a 10, only regretting that I cannot give a higher score for a poem that has moved me deeply on many levels, sad and glad.

thecross commented on Hour Glass


as a single sand begins time a single sand also ends time, nice grasp and use of the metaphors, good write

Musicmynded1 commented on Hour Glass


I like the vein of deepness ur mind is in in this piece... write write.. rewrite,, figure..

Rhymer commented on Hour Glass


Nice short write, excellent observations and metaphors. 10 from me.

Artie commented on Hour Glass


I like how you take the magnifying glass to life, and describe what you see - 10 from me

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Chigger2069’s Poems (22)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Abyss 1
The Last Addiction 7
Druken Jibbrish 2
Hour Glass 8
I am a Product 4
Smile 3
The Final Battle Chp. 1 4
Journey to My Inner Soul 1
Follow This be Crazy like Me. 7
From The Ashes 1
One Last Time 1
Behind Closed Doors 2
Come Walk With Me 7
The Last True Warrior 7
Baby Girl 3
Prayer of an Old Soul 3
Dreams Vs Reality 2
In Her Eyes 2
Tearless Angel 2
In Darkness 2
The One I look up Too. 3
Time is Meaninless 2