This Is Me


  • Life
    • Legos12
    • is currently in that state a lot of people call "feels like heaven" <3

    This Is Me

    I feel like a mannequin, who walks about throughout the day,
    on my own numb legs, which keep going because they have to,
    and only because of that
    My face is hollow with dissapointment in myself,
    blood boils from frustrations.
    Shut up, I say, you got an A, shut up, shut up, shut up.
    How they complain, I do not fathom.

    I look back through time,
    through photos taped to the wood panels of my dorm room.
    I look back and think. Oh, how I've changed.
    For the better? I'd like to think so.
    I got by, before, I argued, and Didn't try too hard.
    But I got by.
    And now, well, what can I say?
    There's a motor in my head, and another in my heart,
    both running on high!
    I work so hard, harder than I ever thought I could,
    And yet still, I'm just getting by.
    And the change in me, I see it every day.
    I am weary, I am tired. But I am determined.
    And the light at the end of the tunnel,
    well, I'm not sure what it is exactly.
    It used to be college, and maybe partly, it still is, but I don't think so. There's just two motors that I refuse to turn off,
    and these two motors, running on high,
    with no apparent vision of some specific light, are the change in me. And work as hard as I do, fail as often as I do, despite it all,
    I am happy.
    I think, I talk, I listen, I laugh, I love.
    I am joyous to have the important things in life, that i do have.
    I'm living life the way I think I'm supposed to be-
    trying like hell, and maybe not getting to the end,
    but trying like hell anyway.
    I'm being the person I want to be.

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Legos12’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Pomegranate Tea 1
    Someday 3
    Embedded 7
    A Poor Man's Dance 1
    The Real Us, You and Me 6
    Goodnight Forever 4
    For Daniel 2
    Unrelated 2
    Bird Boy 3
    An American Dream 1
    Leaves Fall 1
    Day On The Island 1
    Alone... 0
    If I Go 1
    Forever A Fighter 1
    Living For Jesus 2
    It's Gotta Be 0
    Gone, Out of House, Out of Mind 1
    Deep Thinking 0
    This Is Me 0
    Extreme Costs 4
    My Words, My Joys 5
    The Best Of Friends 3
    The Fire 0
    Yes 0
    An Angel Misunderstood 1
    A Midnight Melody 2
    One Hood, One View 2
    Dance With Me 4
    A Violin's Reason 4
    Cherry Blossoms 4