Cherry Blossoms


  • Nature
    • Legos12
    • is currently in that state a lot of people call "feels like heaven" <3

    Cherry Blossoms

    Rosy petals in the air

    swirl around me, please

    Make me a dress, so bright pink and soft

    Caress my cheeks

    with your gentleness

    Softly throw me

    to the grass below my feet,

    Green blades tickle the tip of my nose

    splashing in the weeds,

    dancing a’top the leaves,

    Free Spirit, Fly!

    unburdened by unnecessary responsibility

    spin, twirl round a’bout

    under tiny pink eyes

    of falling cherry blossoms

    Poem Comments


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    JDSitton commented on Cherry Blossoms


    I love the gentle nature of your words... this poem is very peaceful. Keep it up!

    Dreamer123 commented on Cherry Blossoms


    this so spiritual and so beautiful. lego you got a gift. wow! this is so beautiful. keep writing.

    kmeadows commented on Cherry Blossoms


    Very sweet and nice. Fun to read, gentle. I love the way you wrote it and I look forward to reading more!

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    Legos12’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Pomegranate Tea 1
    Someday 3
    Embedded 7
    A Poor Man's Dance 1
    The Real Us, You and Me 6
    Goodnight Forever 4
    For Daniel 2
    Unrelated 2
    Bird Boy 3
    An American Dream 1
    Leaves Fall 1
    Day On The Island 1
    Alone... 0
    If I Go 1
    Forever A Fighter 1
    Living For Jesus 2
    It's Gotta Be 0
    Gone, Out of House, Out of Mind 1
    Deep Thinking 0
    This Is Me 0
    Extreme Costs 4
    My Words, My Joys 5
    The Best Of Friends 3
    The Fire 0
    Yes 0
    An Angel Misunderstood 1
    A Midnight Melody 2
    One Hood, One View 2
    Dance With Me 4
    A Violin's Reason 4
    Cherry Blossoms 4