A Violin's Reason


  • Legos12
  • is currently in that state a lot of people call "feels like heaven" <3

A Violin's Reason

What is it,

That fascinates me so?

Of the smooth, polished wood,

Of the horse-tail bow

How’s its beauty,

Awe to me every time?

Thin, tightened strings,

All indeed, gratefully mine

When is its sound,

The purest it can be?

In the minutes I breathe it in,

It flows into me

Like leaves in the wind, they swirl,

They jingle, drum and whir,

Carried out or cut off,

Bumping along or boldly sure!

The notes fly like fairy’s,

From the magic strings of my violin,

And mesmerizingly lost, I’ll play till very end

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ginga commented on A Violin's Reason


Lego, I love your intimate poem of the violin.Clever and fanciful a breath of fresh air, so light and inviting! ginga



wow, thanks! :)

danmartyjake1 commented on A Violin's Reason


This is beautiful and melodious in itself while talking about a musical instrument and the way it makes you feel........

lucindaclaire commented on A Violin's Reason


Hi Legos, I love music, too. I watched august rush the other night and sobbed through the whole thing. My family is in the music business and my grandmother was a concert pianist and graduate of the New England Conservatory. I get goosebumps all over when I hera reallly good music. Loved your poem.

JDSitton commented on A Violin's Reason


Wow... I love this... music is also one of my passions and I think it takes a passion for music to put it in such beautiful heart-felt words. Great Write!

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Legos12’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Pomegranate Tea 1
Someday 3
Embedded 7
A Poor Man's Dance 1
The Real Us, You and Me 6
Goodnight Forever 4
For Daniel 2
Unrelated 2
Bird Boy 3
An American Dream 1
Leaves Fall 1
Day On The Island 1
Alone... 0
If I Go 1
Forever A Fighter 1
Living For Jesus 2
It's Gotta Be 0
Gone, Out of House, Out of Mind 1
Deep Thinking 0
This Is Me 0
Extreme Costs 4
My Words, My Joys 5
The Best Of Friends 3
The Fire 0
Yes 0
An Angel Misunderstood 1
A Midnight Melody 2
One Hood, One View 2
Dance With Me 4
A Violin's Reason 4
Cherry Blossoms 4