My Words, My Joys


  • Legos12
  • is currently in that state a lot of people call "feels like heaven" <3

Poem Commentary

At least, this is how I want my writing to affect people.

My Words, My Joys

When rain falls thick and wet, when sun shines bright and free,

I stand with pen, sit with journal, balanced on my knee.

When mood is dark, black and gray, when mood is light and nice,

I find words that feel good, that fit the atmosphere just right.


I write them down to preserve the times, the memories that I want to keep.

These letters that make words, mean so much to me.

Just words to many, gifts of mine to me, description is oh, such a powerful thing.

Task to some, art to me, pleasurable, amazing, take me on a journey.


Live to record these happenings, live to share with others, my words,

Speaking is nothing, not important in my life, not aloud anyway,

The words I scratch into paper do all my talking, tell what goes through my head.

The ink that bleeds from my pen describe my feelings, every tear I shed.


No other thing so grand, so special and so right,

My words, my pictures I make with letters, they take thy readers on flight,

o’ lands of fantastic magic, with characters more daring than all,


My scriptures, my versus, my words, special, honorable, call to all,

send messages to beings that are lost, so lost,

are helped, are saved, by the words I write.

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jec commented on My Words, My Joys


wow ... I feel I am reading about myself ... I really like this ... I will read again ... now ... very very very good!!! jc

lucindaclaire commented on My Words, My Joys


What is your favorite scripture verse? I have quite a few, but for today it is Phil4:8....Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think on these things. You are a wonder. I really like what you have to say. Lucinda

Mosfabulous commented on My Words, My Joys


I love how u wrote this poem. It is great. Keep on writing.

pocahontas commented on My Words, My Joys


That's really good! Your writing is so nice and sweet.

NJay commented on My Words, My Joys


I cant imagine you are just 16 yet you flow with the lines and keep the suspense in writing. Very peculiar to us...Words. It is the only way one can see and feel the deep feelings of our heart. Thank you very much. I will read it continously even after rating. Nice flow. I am giving you a 10

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Legos12’s Poems (31)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Pomegranate Tea 1
Someday 3
Embedded 7
A Poor Man's Dance 1
The Real Us, You and Me 6
Goodnight Forever 4
For Daniel 2
Unrelated 2
Bird Boy 3
An American Dream 1
Leaves Fall 1
Day On The Island 1
Alone... 0
If I Go 1
Forever A Fighter 1
Living For Jesus 2
It's Gotta Be 0
Gone, Out of House, Out of Mind 1
Deep Thinking 0
This Is Me 0
Extreme Costs 4
My Words, My Joys 5
The Best Of Friends 3
The Fire 0
Yes 0
An Angel Misunderstood 1
A Midnight Melody 2
One Hood, One View 2
Dance With Me 4
A Violin's Reason 4
Cherry Blossoms 4