Extreme Costs


  • Patriotism
    • Legos12
    • is currently in that state a lot of people call "feels like heaven" <3

    Extreme Costs

    I wasn't born a fighter,
    and I'll never be,
    Unless my country calls for it,
    Unless they need me.
    There's a sense of pride in my heart
    that can't be disturbed
    and if Uncle asked me to fight,
    you know that I would.
    This country is my home,
    This country is all I know.
    And to save her from all the evil things,
    I would stand in front of bullets,
    I'll be buried in the ground,
    I'll fall with all my friends,
    I'll get lost and never be found,
    I'd easily give my life to keep her safe.

    Yeah, it sounds scary,
    but fear's the last thing on my brain.
    Fear is nothing in the eyes of protecting my home.
    This country is all I know.
    America, This Country, is My Home.

    Poem Comments


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    danmartyjake1 commented on Extreme Costs


    Beautiful, sincere, heartfelt devotion to your country and mine and I understand your devotion... Good write.



    Thanks for all the comments! I really appreciate it!!

    ArgusWayne commented on Extreme Costs


    You should send this to every veteran you know. Words so heartfelt and wise from such a young heart! Our politicians could learn alot from you.

    Milkman commented on Extreme Costs


    I am a father of two soldiers who are currently in Afghanistan, they both feel the calling and I support them because they like myself believe in the country.....that is not to say I believe in the government we now have which fails those honorable troops with there stupid political games shame on them....thats what you get when you let lawyers run things......crap tje evil thing is running the State Department

    JDSitton commented on Extreme Costs


    This gave me chills and it makes my proud to know that there are still people out there who care about our country and keeping us safe. Thank you!

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Legos12’s Poems (31)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Pomegranate Tea 1
    Someday 3
    Embedded 7
    A Poor Man's Dance 1
    The Real Us, You and Me 6
    Goodnight Forever 4
    For Daniel 2
    Unrelated 2
    Bird Boy 3
    An American Dream 1
    Leaves Fall 1
    Day On The Island 1
    Alone... 0
    If I Go 1
    Forever A Fighter 1
    Living For Jesus 2
    It's Gotta Be 0
    Gone, Out of House, Out of Mind 1
    Deep Thinking 0
    This Is Me 0
    Extreme Costs 4
    My Words, My Joys 5
    The Best Of Friends 3
    The Fire 0
    Yes 0
    An Angel Misunderstood 1
    A Midnight Melody 2
    One Hood, One View 2
    Dance With Me 4
    A Violin's Reason 4
    Cherry Blossoms 4