Then I woke up...


  • Anger

    Then I woke up...

    My toes over the edge

    Bound with secrets left to keep

    My body is awake

    my soul is still asleep

    dug my nails in the dirt

    as you drug me away

    your hand over my mouth

    God couldn't hear me say

    "Please wake me up,

    End this sequel now,

    I'm in hell where he wanted me,

    He can stand to take his bow

    Dreams end too early

    Nightmares end too late

    My body got there

    Though my soul had to wait

    To get where I got

    I lost all my faith

    My body got there missing...

    What my soul was supposed to take

    I waited in the dark

    Just below the surface

    I rid all my hope

    It just didn't serve a purpose

    The touch of his hands

    Sent my flesh into shame

    I can't help but to think

    It was all just a game

    Just then a gentle touch

    lifted my chin

    Disturbing the slumber

    Of my spirit within

    An angel place it's hand tightly in mine

    As we lifted

    I hung, like a grape on a vine

    "Your last tear, was your last."

    A voice whispered to me

    Arriving at my destination

    Sent the ground to my knees

    "This isn't the way I wanted to go!"

    Then he said

    "I had to save you before you lost all hope!"

    Such beauty as this,

    I have never seen

    As it pumped through my veins

    I was humbled and serene

    It was the heaven in which I spoke of

    It was the end of my struggle...

    and then I woke up.

    Poem Comments


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    AMRON7 commented on Then I woke up...


    i dont see anger in this poem it is well written seems sophisticated it does show emotion and tells a story writer shows potential

    nikkishaniqwa commented on Then I woke up...


    Makes you think. I loved it.

    heymily commented on Then I woke up...


    gave me goose bumps. I love it.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    tarareber2005’s Poems (7)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I once knew a man... 1
    When the water runs clear 1
    The final goodbye after the original 0
    Departure 1
    Then I woke up... 3
    take a note on suicide 2
    if i could tell my ancestors today... 2