if i could tell my ancestors today...


if i could tell my ancestors today...

if i could tell my ancestors today... (Tara Reber) 7:25am

If i could tell my ancestors today
the impact of it all
together a nation rose together
and together we will fall
never could I comprehend the disbelief in their thoughts
that the shedding of their blood, and the trail of their tears
has led to the freedom they for saw
that deepest fears and rawest of prejudices can some how be tamed
and the tight rope of hope was snapped and new judgements made
The audacity of hope is now made apparent
that the restraints once created in our nation
we now only dare it
That Jim crow, white supremecy, and slavery have no place here
that we've come so far and waited so long for reconstruction to appear
their great grandchildren, and their children
would attain the same rights as others
that our nation is no longer divided, we are composed as sisters and brothers
Martin Luther King would see his dream alive today
all the while reminding us we all have a role to play
The evidence is in our homes, our schools, and our families alone
We see more diverse backgrounds in the same home
two different worlds creating one under love
that we were beneath the line of equality with the chance now to rise above
Let's not forget there is still work to be done here
but now we've seen the outcome from creating hope out of fear
i saw it in those who've seen no reason before
to voice in a country which was at times hard to adore
My mother made it clear since i was 4 years old
that the undercurrents of this nation were sometimes very cold
that though she is white and my father black our hearts still beat the same
and i have always been proud to have their blood pumping through my veins
though it's always hurt to see so much of who i am divided
but it shaped me well when i saw the passion of my family as they would fight it
If i could tell my ancestors today
that we will soon abolish
the dissapointments in what america once was
and strive towards the america promised
live up to the code "all men are created equal"
and believe in such a world
to open the gates for the future to every boy and girl
I would inform them of their place in history
though to figure out how to put our gratitude into words still remains a mystery
that we have broken down the barriers of a house divided
and instead shared this experience as one in a nation well guided
to witness a reflection of so many of us in power
our nation will not lose sight of the meaning of that hour
out with the print of the old scripture
this is the america so many of us pictured...
i will embrace the future and rejoice under the sun
yesterday we've written the new book of today a new chapter has begun.

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DeepEclipse commented on if i could tell my ancestors today...


Through it all, the poem remains optimistic. I like that. Peace

Phoenix9 commented on if i could tell my ancestors today...


very true and very powerful. well written....

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

tarareber2005’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I once knew a man... 1
When the water runs clear 1
The final goodbye after the original 0
Departure 1
Then I woke up... 3
take a note on suicide 2
if i could tell my ancestors today... 2