When the water runs clear


When the water runs clear

When The water runs clear

When the water runs clear
Destruction is over upstream

Rivers are steady
Life is serene

When the water runs clear
Blood no longer stains oceans

The tides roll in
With no intention of harm

When the water runs clear
It means the war is over

All have won the battle
Tranquility has been achieved

When the water runs clear
All points of origin have blended

No more is there such a thing severance
Rather Liberty and justice for all

When the water runs clear
So will the route of discovery

Discovery for self
Discovery of unconditional love

When the water runs clear
Bridges will assemble themselves

The bridge between faith and opportunity
Between divisions of black and white, also the knowledge of all that is gray

When the water runs clear
The image of what may seem to be will develop

The destination will appear transparent
We shall arrive at our conclusion

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BrandonC commented on When the water runs clear


Defiantly going in my favs. I like the diction and imagery of your work. Straight forward yet elusive, static but with purpose. You write all most as if it were meant for film.

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

tarareber2005’s Poems (7)

Title Comments
Title Comments
I once knew a man... 1
When the water runs clear 1
The final goodbye after the original 0
Departure 1
Then I woke up... 3
take a note on suicide 2
if i could tell my ancestors today... 2