The Little Village


The Little Village

Little village on display, beautiful flowers once had lain.
Sturdy homes once stood now lay in flames.
The beautiful flowers are withered and have gone away.
No one lives here anymore or wishes to stay.

Innocent villagers slain and wretched souls stained with blood.
I walk through the village so serene but it is the site of a tragic scene.

It plays out over and over in my head.
Screams of people as death was all around, the burning homes crackled and popped as they came down.

It looked like hell itself came from the ground.
Demons came from the streets with one thing on their mind as they looked with their red glowing eyes which was to make the streets run red with blood don't leave a sliver of hope left.

They were laughing at the destruction they caused.
Their tormenting games they did not pause.
Finally, I yelled out "STOP!" but it was all in vain.

Then silence came no more did the village stand.
The ground was blackened with ashy remains.
I find nothing that would remind anyone of this day except for the crosses all around and the sound of ringing church bells as the dead was put to rest today.

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bforibus commented on The Little Village


very descriptive dark poem. you set the tone and keep the flow very well. i personally would of added a little light to it to make the dark darker, but overall i really liked it

LuLu99 commented on The Little Village


this poem is amazing, great use of adjectives which made the poem come vividly to life, you have tons of potential!!!!

shadowsoul commented on The Little Village


Its dark and simply beautiful. It conjures such terrifying images so fluidly. Its saddening, but beautiful at the same time. I like it^^

Panaramicpoet commented on The Little Village


its sounds like a war scene. In life there are many wars . .even mental and psycholoical ones too. Keep it up girl ;)

jackopop commented on The Little Village


i like a lot of the lines in this 1 also. i was kinda distracted cuz the rhyme had no rhythm and that kinda ruined it 4 me, but thats prob cuz only the poet who rote it can get the rite 1. it wood hav prob sounded better if u had read it 2 me lol

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

lillyrain’s Poems (20)

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My ex has another 1
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Pastor's Prayer 0
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The Little Village 7
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