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    Tender wind will ever come back again?
    My friend the crosses the seas, will you ever return to me?

    I let you go but at what cost to me?
    I lost you in the end.

    I still extend my hand to you my dear.
    I want you to take my hand and hold it tight to let me know everything is alright.

    I hope you know I'm sincere with every word I wrote.
    I mean none of this as a joke.

    I hope your happy where ever you are but if you ever miss me while you travel far and sleep among the stars.
    Just come and visit me just the way you are then you can leave as you please but if you need you can dream and take a rest from the seas while you stay with me.

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    lillyrain’s Poems (20)

    Title Comments
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    The gentleman 1
    Unfinished poem 2
    The corner of my house 3
    Murder or Nightmare 5
    Shadows of the dawn 2
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    My heart's night 0
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