Midnight Train


Midnight Train

I walk along the railroad tracks. I see a post where sacks full of mail in the olden days once hung. I walk for one more hour and come to an old station over grown with flowers and weeds it didn’t look like it was needed. A bench where travelers once sat waiting on their train now, only a lone man left sitting to my dismay. I go over to him and say "They don't come this way anymore sir." But he did not stir or even flinch not an inch. He just smiled at me and says "My dear is coming home to me on the midnight train. She told me to come and wait. I haven't seen her since 44. I love her from my very core." I sat and waited with the old wrinkly man until night came. He looked at his pocket watch it was 11:55 and along a whistle came from a dark onyx train. It stopped and looked all around in vain for a person to board that train. It looked like it was headed for hell as fire blazed on the ground. Red smoke that made you choke came from the vent. It tore out of the station bent on speed. The man looked at his watch again 12:00'oclock it read. A silver train come barreling in it stops and ringing of wonderful bell I heard. The conductor shouts all aboard as her open the very silver shiny door. White smoke came out that looked like clouds the way they went up in the air then a woman with robes of white comes out. "My love" The man cries as he runs about. "My dear don't fear, I'm here, but we must go now." They entered the train and it disappeared in a white light. Trains now I know come down this track but once you get on you can never come back.

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LuLu99 commented on Midnight Train


very descriptive, i love writing about days gone by, and the delusions that people must sometimes adhere to in order to cope. The human condtion has so many facets. p.s. i'm curious about your frequent reference to onyx....does it have a special meaning to you?? i wear a lot of onyx and jade.

Panaramicpoet commented on Midnight Train


I agree with the others. You never cease to amaze me girl. You should publish these some day. You might just awe the publick . .in display. Good work.

jmylez commented on Midnight Train


it's very interesting and vivid keep u wanting to know whats going to happen,,very nice poem and the idea of that realm,,perfect,,one of my favorite poem, good job

Bobcatmoon commented on Midnight Train


this one is a winner with twists and an ending that keeps you looking for the train that leads to another realm...very good I liked it very much

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

lillyrain’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
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Unfinished poem 2
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The king 0
My ex has another 1
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Pastor's Prayer 0
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