No Longer


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    No Longer

    No longer will your voice be a whisper in the wind to haunt me.
    I won't let your words linger in my ear just to taunt me.

    I will not let the grasp of my hand by you effect me telling me everything is okay.
    I'll ignore the touch of your fingertips on my skin telling me to stay.
    I never want your hands near me, I want them away.

    I walk at the door so you can't look me in the eyes and use your charms to keep me.
    I know everything that comes from your mouth to be all lies.

    I will let your memory go so you can't control me anymore.
    I am done with the dreams of me and you.
    I have traded them for a better me.

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    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    lillyrain’s Poems (20)

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