Murder or Nightmare


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  • Death

    Murder or Nightmare

    Bloodly handprints on the wall.
    Watch me, watch me as I fall.

    Body limp hits the floor.
    There is a knocking at the door.
    I bite my lip.

    My vision blurs, My speech is slurred.
    My body curls up on the ground.
    I only wish to be found.

    I'm sweaty and I'm really panting trying to catch my breath.
    The words gently chanting it was all a dream.
    My own visions come back to haunt me.
    "A dream" I think quietly to myself "But it seemed so real to me."
    My vision restored I walk out the door.

    But the fact remains was it all a dream or a product of reality to blame?
    My fate my friends and foes rests in your hands.
    All I say is goodnight where ever i may be.

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    DarkChi commented on Murder or Nightmare


    dark i like it. i beleived that it seemed like it was real yet a dream

    WordSlinger commented on Murder or Nightmare


    Interesting , actually I have experienced this , and it was messed up, the beginning was luring, and I got the point, I don't want to be there again, but it's coming again, lol

    WinterFrost commented on Murder or Nightmare


    Where have you gone Alfred Hitchcock your public needs you now

    kdavidscott1 commented on Murder or Nightmare


    I enjoyed this poem - Bloodly handprints on the wall. Watch me, watch me as I fall. Outstanding KD

    lordmret commented on Murder or Nightmare


    omg this was good. Very good actually. I love it but I love u more. hehe keep up the good work baby girl

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    lillyrain’s Poems (20)

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    The corner of my house 3
    Murder or Nightmare 5
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