The clock is ticking


The clock is ticking

New year
new life
new world
new ties
New experiences
New friends
the new year has come again

Time turns
Calendars change
Everything isn't the same
sometimes we are standing still in time waiting
seeing crowds moving while quietly observing
Tentative are we noticing everything

New way of life things change
people change
for the good  or the worse

Time is ticking
can you hear the clock clicking

New day arises
with new surprises in store

Humanity is running out off time
no morels
no reason of living
suside and cutting and bleeding
self affliction
internal affliction
world affliction

the clock is ticking

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1990lh commented on The clock is ticking


ww this was deep, the beginning was a light read, but then whoa you really hit something big. these are words we all should have inour minds. excellent poem

victornewman commented on The clock is ticking


nice poem but i would really want to know your source of inspiration



The new year and how much time we have left here on earth after every year. Thanks for the comment

bklynrizz commented on The clock is ticking


A unique write. I liked its quick tempo. My grandmother will be 98 this April. I think she could relate to this poem more than anybody. Nice write.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

BrittKun’s Poems (60)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Heart Hurts 0
Reflection 1
Flower 1
My Sun 0
Fragile Beauty 0
Dark whispers 0
Primal fear 0
Snow Angel 0
Can't Get Clean 0
Put My Gloves Away 0
Smoldering Flames 0
Cold here 0
Beauty Crumbles 0
Beastly Beauty 0
Untiled1 0
Untiled 0
Fire 0
You 0
Static Noise 0
Burn 1
Void Love 0
Black Heart 0
Stone 0
clouds 0
Rain Kisses 1
illusion of Wealth 0
re wrote The Reaper 0
The Mental Hospital 0
Elements 0
Who am I? 0
I can’t believe you’re gone 0
Haiku #3 3
Haiku #2 2
Haiku #1 2
Stripped 7
Mother Dear 6
Tissues 3
Mom 9
Peace 3
Falling 4
The clock is ticking 3
the river 15
Spotlight 5
Stromy Day 4
Lifeless 6
Alone 7
Numb 4
Bulimic 3
The place 5
Scarred 3
My Metropolis 3
My Hope 4
Why 2
The reaper 4
myth 4
I remember 5
The morning 3
Whispers 9
Feelings of love 3
Animalistic 4