tanmayC’s Profile

  • Age: private
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  • Gender: private
  • Country: US
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I write to express my joy, my pain and everything that lies between. As a person I look at the glass always as half empty so people think I am a pessimist but actually I am a realist. Try to understand me through my poems. What else can I say..


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jesusfreake profile comment


wow thanks a lot for ur comments on my poems i really appreciate them and im looking foward to reading ur's...



tell me what d'you think about "sweet mystery" which i have written... you know what you are one of my fav writers now...



aww thank u and i will read that poem right now....imi already loking foward to it!

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

tanmayC’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Her Wait... 0
For someone special.... 0
The Angel 4
My Wait.... 1
I am Free 4
She 5
Fascinating!! 1
Sweet Mystery 3
Please Return..... 4
A Defeat 1
The best things in life 4