  • Angst
  • ,
  • Sadness


    She walks the earth like a royal queen,
    Who turns the barren to lush green.

    Emphasizing her presence she makes a stride,
    Head held high, filled with pride.

    Fresh is her face like the early drop of dew,
    But not everybody around her is amused,

    'Cause there are a few jealous eyes to stare
    However she also has many lovers to spare.

    They say she's the happiest and proudest of all
    And never ever will there be her downfall.

    But there's some dark mystery that lies
    Behind those black beautiful eyes.

    'Cause her eyes are filled with tears at night;
    Wonder what misfortune strikes her might?

    Every day the world gapes at her in awe;
    But at night what fear grips her in its claws?

    Poem Comments


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    blanket commented on She


    You need some work on onomatopoeia....if you are going to rhyme in couplets, it is a must to have the syllables of stressed and unstressed match, almost like a song. The topic isn't new, but you present it in a fresh way. Keep up the good work.

    RHPeat commented on She


    Great poem. I'd make that opening a metaphor instead of a simile. Cut the word (as) and make read (who turns the barren...) a poet friend// RH Peat



    there you go sir... hows that now?

    Tempy commented on She


    this is very nicely written, I enjoyed the read, !

    jesusfreake commented on She


    Whoa!!! this poem was totally wicked and i loved every second that i read it...what a great gift u have and WOW ur poetry is amazing....

    optimistic commented on She


    Very great poetic insight, nice flow and great word description used powerful.



    thank you...

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    tanmayC’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Her Wait... 0
    For someone special.... 0
    The Angel 4
    My Wait.... 1
    I am Free 4
    She 5
    Fascinating!! 1
    Sweet Mystery 3
    Please Return..... 4
    A Defeat 1
    The best things in life 4