

  • Emotional



    People giggling, People gapping

    They Whisper in secret waiting

     in suppressed mean tones

    They are insensitive, heartless

    They degrade the world with their gossip

    Clitter, clatter, bitter, batter, bruise and scorn

    They jeer and jatter on secret matters

    They point and whisper they’ll be the spinsters

    Old and alone with only the gossip of others to hold.


    By Brittiany O’Neil

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    Platti commented on Whispers


    this is truly a poem of our era, you point out the habitual circumstances that circle around being a teenager nowadays, good write Brit ;)



    Thanks don;t make me blush!! :3

    lisagrizzly commented on Whispers


    Beautifully written. Your prose is so realistic to the times we live in. You are so much wiser beyond words. "They degrade the world with their gossip Clitter, clatter, bitter, batter, bruise and scorn" girl I can actually hear the chittering and chattering. My heart totally went out to you in your writing. Just Brilliant!!



    Thanks I worte this last year!!! It decribes my school very well!! LOL : ) Thanks for the comment!!

    ginga commented on Whispers


    Brittkun, Nice job on a poem that talks of human nature in a nasty light. I have written a poem titled: "The "R" Word," that could be a sister poem to yours, check it out. ginga



    Thanks I worte this a year ago!!! I'll read your poem.

    danmartyjake1 commented on Whispers


    This has a great flow and sentiment...10 from me.



    thanks I wrote this last year. And we

    Phoenix9 commented on Whispers


    wow sounds like i am at work.lol very well written and enjoyable to read, good flow from a talented mind. PHOENIX



    Thanks Phonex I try this year is my last year in school and I want it to be meaningful

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    BrittKun’s Poems (60)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Heart Hurts 0
    Reflection 1
    Flower 1
    My Sun 0
    Fragile Beauty 0
    Dark whispers 0
    Primal fear 0
    Snow Angel 0
    Can't Get Clean 0
    Put My Gloves Away 0
    Smoldering Flames 0
    Cold here 0
    Beauty Crumbles 0
    Beastly Beauty 0
    Untiled1 0
    Untiled 0
    Fire 0
    You 0
    Static Noise 0
    Burn 1
    Void Love 0
    Black Heart 0
    Stone 0
    clouds 0
    Rain Kisses 1
    illusion of Wealth 0
    re wrote The Reaper 0
    The Mental Hospital 0
    Elements 0
    Who am I? 0
    I can’t believe you’re gone 0
    Haiku #3 3
    Haiku #2 2
    Haiku #1 2
    Stripped 7
    Mother Dear 6
    Tissues 3
    Mom 9
    Peace 3
    Falling 4
    The clock is ticking 3
    the river 15
    Spotlight 5
    Stromy Day 4
    Lifeless 6
    Alone 7
    Numb 4
    Bulimic 3
    The place 5
    Scarred 3
    My Metropolis 3
    My Hope 4
    Why 2
    The reaper 4
    myth 4
    I remember 5
    The morning 3
    Whispers 9
    Feelings of love 3
    Animalistic 4