

  • Life




    Dreams decay

    As life floats away


    Expectations I try to exceed

    To no expediency


    Why do I try so hard?

    And all I do is fall

    I fall

    Fall from grace

    As tears burn my face

    Falling fast

    There’s no turning back

    Falling hard

    When I try to be strong

    Falling along

    Trying to hold on


    When the tears burn

    When my eyes are red

    Trying so hard not to be sad

    Falling Away

    Poem Comments


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    ApaqRasgirl commented on Falling


    that was great dear, and like WS said, we all fall sometimes, but we must get back up and keep going less we cease to exist, let those emotions sail free in the words of your poetry and you will not be falling anymore for you will have succeeded in doing something great, something that will out last your own life, words written are permanent markers for our lives.....wonderful poem dear........love asha



    Thanks Asha From Britt

    WordSlinger commented on Falling


    We all fall sometimes, but guess what you have poetry to pick you up, ty WS

    Rhymer commented on Falling


    An excellent write, sad in a way but with such vivid feelings on display the reader feels every word. 10




    Teardrops commented on Falling


    This is sad but in another way beautiful .you take me under your wing with words and show me how sad you are love this my friend . Marie



    it was just a feeling after i graduated. Feeling eventually go away.

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    BrittKun’s Poems (60)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Heart Hurts 0
    Reflection 1
    Flower 1
    My Sun 0
    Fragile Beauty 0
    Dark whispers 0
    Primal fear 0
    Snow Angel 0
    Can't Get Clean 0
    Put My Gloves Away 0
    Smoldering Flames 0
    Cold here 0
    Beauty Crumbles 0
    Beastly Beauty 0
    Untiled1 0
    Untiled 0
    Fire 0
    You 0
    Static Noise 0
    Burn 1
    Void Love 0
    Black Heart 0
    Stone 0
    clouds 0
    Rain Kisses 1
    illusion of Wealth 0
    re wrote The Reaper 0
    The Mental Hospital 0
    Elements 0
    Who am I? 0
    I can’t believe you’re gone 0
    Haiku #3 3
    Haiku #2 2
    Haiku #1 2
    Stripped 7
    Mother Dear 6
    Tissues 3
    Mom 9
    Peace 3
    Falling 4
    The clock is ticking 3
    the river 15
    Spotlight 5
    Stromy Day 4
    Lifeless 6
    Alone 7
    Numb 4
    Bulimic 3
    The place 5
    Scarred 3
    My Metropolis 3
    My Hope 4
    Why 2
    The reaper 4
    myth 4
    I remember 5
    The morning 3
    Whispers 9
    Feelings of love 3
    Animalistic 4