Soon come


  • Religion

    Soon come

    In a little while
    In a short time
    In a flash
    In two shakes of a lamb’s tail
    Sooner than you know
    Sooner, not later
    Sooner than you think
    Like a thief in the night
    Before you can wink
    In a jiffy
    As soon as [Messiah deems] possible
    Before you know it
    In a moment
    In a heartbeat
    In a New York minute
    Before you can squint
    In the twinkling of that eye
    Before you can say “who-dat?”
    Before you can hear Hallelujah
    Or you can count to Amen
    Very soon…
    ...Jesus the Christ shall come.
    Have you accepted His gift from the cross?
    Have you positively RSVP’d His invitation to Zion?
    Are you going to the wedding supper of the Lamb?

    Austin G. Henry

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    Bwyn commented on Soon come


    Love the pace of the poem

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

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